The Speed of Change

My last post was just about two weeks ago—and boy how the world has changed since then, huh? A Global Pandemic is spreading across countries like… well, like a virus. Which is exactly what it is. Corona Virus—or COVID-19 as it’s been officially designated—is wreaking havoc with whole countries being put into ‘lock-down’.

Here in Britain, we were told last Monday evening to “work from home unless you absolutely cannot” and to only leave our homes for essential shopping or daily exercise.

So I spent the bulk of last week ensuring that my colleagues were able to work from home (and knew how to) and generally running around in mild panic mode.

Still, we got there in the end. After setting up so many laptops I lost count and ramping up the available hardware capacity to my remote desktop server so that it could cope with a sudden three-fold increase in users, I’m now set up in my own home office and I think we will be able to keep he business ticking over for the duration of this lockdown period.

It’s been a hard slog, this week. But I’m through it, the business is through it and my colleagues are through it. Let’s hope that we all come out of it the other side better, stronger people for the experience.

Stay safe everyone. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy and let’s get through this.

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