“Website Woes, Writing Wins: Progress Amid Digital Chaos”

It’s been a bit of a weird week for my website.

Last Monday, 16th December, an update was released to “Elementor”, the WordPress site-building tool I use to maintain it. Great, it’s always good to have software kept up to date.

One of the updates included removing a “legacy” setting,, which, unfortunately, quite a few Elementor add-ons still used. The update “broke” any website using those add-ons by removing it.

And guess who uses one of those add-ons?

That meant that quite a few of my pages and posts, including the home page, were generating critical errors and not loading. Cue the fire-fight.

In the end, I had to roll back the update. Great. But I had “auto-updates” turned on at the website host level, so even though I turned off auto-update within WordPress, the updates still got updated overnight back to the version that broke the website.

Eventually, after heading to Cpanel and turning off the auto-updates there, I was able to get the roll-back to stick.

By then, the add-on had issued an update, and Elementor itself had issued three minor updates.

Guess what? None of those updates prevented the critical error on the website. So right now, when I go into the website admin pages, I’ve got Elementor telling me to update so i don’t “miss out”. Miss out on what, exactly? A broken website? No thanks. I’ll wait until I know for sure the issues are fixed.

What a farce.

In terms of progress on A Healing Love, I’ve completed Chapter 26, which has been posted to Ream today to bring that up to date with my working manuscript, and started work on Chapter 27. The last few chapters have all focused on one of the three story threads in the book, but Chapter 27 will be a bit of an amalgam of two of those threads.

On a different note, I asked Chat GPT to analyse my working manuscript, asking it to give me an overview of the plot, themes and some of the characters. I may share some of those results, or i may not. I haven’t decided yet. What I found interesting was that the insights it gave me into the three characters I asked about were very eye-opening in the sense that they were pretty much spot-on with my intentions for those characters.

For example, it said of Mark…

Seems like I might be doing something right.

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Marc Nobbs

Writer & Blogger

Gentlemen Author, Bean Counter, Born & Bred Wulfrun, Husband, Dad. But not in that order. Marc Nobbs has been writing erotic romance and erotica since 2005. He has written 8 novels, 3 novellas and 16 short stories all set within the “Westmouthshire Universe.”

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