Halfway Through

Halfway Through

I’m about halfway through my first read through/edit of A Wounded Heart. Most changes so far have been pretty minor – although I have split chapter 14 in two, which means the book is now at 29 chapters and a prologue.


I’m not completely sure if I’m going to include the prologue or not. It was a fairly late addition and started as an epilogue, but I moved it to the start of the book to foreshadow the main plot.

Just like the prologue and epilogue in A Good Man, the prologue for AWH takes place in the future, with Paul having a conversation with his wife the morning after Will’s funeral. It’s main purpose is to tell the reader that, although they don’t find out who Paul’s wife is in this book, it’s still important because it’s about how he healed (or started to heal) his Wounded Heart and how one special person helped him to do that.

But given that A Tortured Soul didn’t include either a prologue or an epilogue, I’m left wondering if this prologue is needed. Wondering if it’s out of place or not.

One person who’s beta read the book for me thinks it is. They suggested that if you read the three books as a “whole” then the prologue feels wrong.

Truth is, I don’t know. I need to think about it a bit more before I make a decision.

I’m hoping I can complete this first read through by the New Year – maybe a few days later at most. That’s when I’ll need to sit and have a really good think about the structure of the book and if any major changes are needed. I don’t think they are, but we’ll see.

After that, I’ll need to start finding some good quotes from the text to use in teasers, set a release date and start building the eBook. Just as I did with The Truths We Live, I intend to use “fake” text message graphics in the eBook (with Alt tags for screen readers) so they will all have to be created. There’s also a “Group Chat” to create – which should prove “interesting”.

No tweets in this book though, so that’s something.

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