Site Updates

It’s been a tough few months for me since my last post at the start of March. The end of March is, of course, the end of the financial year for a lot of companies in the UK—mine included—and thanks to the announcement that the Stamp Duty holiday was going to be extended didn’t come until very late on in the month, it was very, very busy in the housing market.

That meant that I wasn’t able to promote the release of The Truths We Live as well as I would have liked. No matter, the book is now out there in the wild for you all to enjoy. So if you haven’t read it, please do go and check it out with your Kindle Unlimited subscription and let me know what you think of it.

Today, I’ve made a few updates to the website. I’ve tweaked the front page and updated the Publications page. There are a few more things I want to do that I’ll work on after making this post.

In other news, I’ve continued to work on A Wounded Heart as and when I’ve been able to find the time. The draft manuscript is up to about fifty-eight thousand words now, so I’m reasonably happy with the progress.

I’ve also done a first re-edit of Eternally & Evermore, ahead of re-publishing it following the closure of Phaze. I hope I can get it uploaded to KDP by the end of the month. That will leave just Lost & Found to re-edit from the original set of Phaze publications.

Lots to do, not as much time to do it as I’d like. That’s the story of my 40s so far.

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Marc Nobbs

Writer & Blogger

Gentlemen Author, Bean Counter, Born & Bred Wulfrun, Husband, Dad. But not in that order. Marc Nobbs has been writing erotic romance and erotica since 2005. He has written 8 novels, 3 novellas and 16 short stories all set within the “Westmouthshire Universe.”

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