Tutelam Venit 2 Update

In what little spare time I’ve had this year I’ve been working hard on the second book of the Tutelam Venit Series, tentatively sub-titled “A Tortured Soul”.

I always thought this would be a more difficult book to write that the first, simply because I’m walking a fine line between making you feel sympathetic to the narrator and falling into hating him. Everything I write I’m examining from as many view points as I can and it’s proving to be slower going that I’d anticipated.

Of course, when, this time last year, I thought I could get the book ready for Christmas, I’d forgotten how much of your time a new baby takes. And with this being a second baby, child number one is no less demanding of my time than before his sister arrived, so I’ve got double the demands and, if anything, less time to go around since I’m also having to work harder at work due to the continuing failure of the economy.

Anyway, I’m around 42,000 words into what I anticipate will be a 100,000 word long book. Or thereabouts.

So nearly halfway. Which means, of course, I’ve still got half way to go.

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Marc Nobbs

Writer & Blogger

Gentlemen Author, Bean Counter, Born & Bred Wulfrun, Husband, Dad. But not in that order. Marc Nobbs has been writing erotic romance and erotica since 2005. He has written 8 novels, 3 novellas and 16 short stories all set within the “Westmouthshire Universe.”

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