Amazon Reviews for “Eternally & Evermore”

It should be no real surprise to anyone who knows me or has visited this site before, that it’s been some considerable time since I last posted a blog entry. I’m not going to apologise for that, even though I would have done once upon a time.

Frankly, since I’ve finally worked out how to make ‘proper use’ of Facebook and Twitter, posting blog entries has become less important. That’s not to say I’m going to stop, just that I’m not going to unduly worry about it when I can’t find the time to do it.
But anyway…..

Since I last posted an entry here at the end of July, some of my novels and short stories have been getting really quite good reviews on the interwebs – primarily on Amazon. I’m not going to bombard you with all of them right now, though. That wouldn’t be fair.

Let’s start with reviews for Eternally & Evermore and save reviews on other books for another day.

Eternally & Evermore has had three 5-star reviews on Amazon over the past couple of months.

Ashley Heather said…

“I guess the two main words I could use about this book are unexpected and realistic.”

“I underestimated the emotional effect a story written by a male author could have on me. Yet here it is, this story took my emotions to a raw place and as emotional as the subject being written about was, this male author captured the essence and vulnerability of the female character with ease and disburden.”

“Although on occasion this was a deep emotive book I actually also found the laugh out loud moments were plentiful too and this being a British author gave me so much of a refreshing take on situations. Very relatable humour laced throughout had me giggling from scene to scene.”

“This book is very realistic and relatable to real life, it has a genuine flow and the “first experience” sex scene was written in such a believably sweet yet humorous way, I’d say it’s one of the best love scenes I’ve ever read.”

“Beautiful, stunning, funny, raw, emotional and enjoyable from beginning to end I would recommend this book for certain and I look forward to reading more from this talented author.”

That’s not by any mean the whole review. In fact, the whole thing is one of the best reviews any of my books has ever had. Thank you Ashley from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot to a writer to get a review like this.

JoAnne also left a 5-star review. She said…

“This was my first read by this author and I am glad I did. It was very realistic and has you wanting the the main characters to find their Evermore. I cant wait to read more from this author!”

Again, those are the kind of reviews that all writers love to get.

Finally, Theresa Bowron had this to say in her 5-star review

“Marc captures you from the beginning, very addicting as are all his books! You will not be able to put it down, I know I didn’t.”

“I will be rereading this book for sure it is that good!”

I’d like to thank all three reviewers for their kind words.

Eternally & Evermore is published by Phaze Book and available from most good e-book retailers.

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Marc Nobbs

Writer & Blogger

Gentlemen Author, Bean Counter, Born & Bred Wulfrun, Husband, Dad. But not in that order. Marc Nobbs has been writing erotic romance and erotica since 2005. He has written 8 novels, 3 novellas and 16 short stories all set within the “Westmouthshire Universe.”

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