First review for “Kissed by a Rose” – #KbaR

Kissed by a Rose has received it’s first “official” review. Acquanetta Ferguson of the San Diego Examiner gave the book a 4, which according to her rating system means –

4- Recommended to buy (Very hot, well-written, compelling story, some questions left unanswered, satisfied with conclusion)

So that’s all good then. the full text of the review can be found here, but some of my highlights are

“The male lead is also a normal guy. If a woman had written this the male lead would have been an alpha male which most women love in fantasy. In this Marc knocks that fantasy on its ass. He writes his romance with a bit more realism, and quite frankly it is a refreshing change.”

“Marc not only does romance really well, in his own male way, but he is also very descriptive in his writing. I have never been to England, but he described the location so well I felt as if I were there.”

“The book is 290 pages and yet it felt like I was seriously “watching” a 2 hour movie, one of those British imports that show the normal guy falling in love, such as the one Hugh Grant plays so very well.”

“Bottom line, this is a well written romance written by a man who gets it. It’s been awhile since I’ve read such a happy ending in a romance, and for that Marc Nobbs is becoming one of my new favorites!”

So, there’s a good way to start the week, wouldn’t you say?

Kissed by a Rose is a Contemporary Erotic Romance novel and is available from the Phaze Website. It’s also now available for your Kindle and from All Romance e-books.

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    Marc Nobbs

    Writer & Blogger

    Gentlemen Author, Bean Counter, Born & Bred Wulfrun, Husband, Dad. But not in that order. Marc Nobbs has been writing erotic romance and erotica since 2005. He has written 8 novels, 3 novellas and 16 short stories all set within the “Westmouthshire Universe.”

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