Slow Week

It was an odd week last week for my Nobbs persona. Whereas in recent weeks I’ve resumed work on The Truths We Live as well as upping my blog output and working on new covers and updating the interior of some older publications, this week I’ve done very little.

The reason for that is that I’ve registered new domains under my legal name and my family name. You might have read a bit about that in yesterday’s From Across the Pond entry.

The reason for registering new domains was two-fold. First, I’ve been running low on disk space at my host for some time now. Running so low I’ve had to stop making backups, which is a silly thing to do, but I had no choice. I was on a plan that only afforded my 500MB of storage because it was a ‘legacy’ account dating back some 5 years.

I’ve now upgraded to a plan with 10GB of storage which also allows me to host up to five domains. At the same time, my son told me he had a new IT project set for his “Home Learning” so I suggested a website – for which I bought a domain. And since it was a family domain, I also started a blog for my daughter to post her home learning pieces to share with her grandparents and friends.

The new plan caused me a bit of bother with the web host, however and that took longer to resolve than was ideal.

At one point I managed to lock out my home IP address from any access to my websites—including to the cPanel!

But that’s all resolved now and I’m hoping that this week I’ll be able to write a bit more and maybe get another book ready for an updated re-issue.

Wish me luck.

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