The Best Laid Plans…

You know how that phrase ends, I’m sure.

I had planned to post excerpts from all the books I have on Amazon KU over the first couple of weeks of January—one every couple of days was the plan. But, well, you know…

I’m going to try and schedule a few posts this evening to auto-post during the week. Let’s see if that works better than trying to do them during the week and finding I’m far too tired to do it properly.

On a different note, let’s talk about what I have achieved over the past 12 days rather than what I haven’t.

First, I’m completed the initial draft of a new short story, tentatively called “Banging my Teammates”. Although, I don’t really like that title, if I’m honest.

It’s just under 6000 words at present and it’s purpose is to allow me to explore how a man might feel if he had to watch his wife having sex with another man. This is something that will be important for the sequel to The Lies We LeadThe Truths We Live.

I need to read it through a couple more times and make some edits, then I’ll do a line-by-line edit to polish it ready for publication. I’ll be putting it out under one of my pseudonyms, C. N. Lingus. It’ll be the first book by him. I’m hoping I can do that by the end of the month.

Second, I’ve removed a couple of books from publication—all of them anthologies. Holly & Ivy was a short story I wrote ‘live’ in a secret group on Facebook and it was published in an antho with a couple of other shorts also written ‘live’ and some sample chapters from my novels.

Written for Ruthie’s and From Back in the Day were anthologies of short stories, all of which are available as separate books. Some of those are currently on KU, and I’ll be moving the others over to KU gradually over the next couple of months.

I’m putting together another volume to replace these three, which will be on KU once it’s ready. It should have a larger number of stories in it than all three put together—I hope. And none of the stories will be available separately The stories are all older ones that I’ve never published before though, so they will need some polish first.

I still haven’t decided if I’m going to bring my current back-catalogue of novels to KU or not. I’ve looked at the sales stats on Smashwords and I have to say that I’m veering towards making the jump but I’ll decide fully after moving all the shorts over and looking to see what the ‘read pages’ figures look like.

In the mean time, here’s a very important message that all women should remember as it’s very important. Did I mention this was important?

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Marc Nobbs

Writer & Blogger

Gentlemen Author, Bean Counter, Born & Bred Wulfrun, Husband, Dad. But not in that order. Marc Nobbs has been writing erotic romance and erotica since 2005. He has written 8 novels, 3 novellas and 16 short stories all set within the “Westmouthshire Universe.”

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