Monday Morning Flash – “Suggestive Language” by Big Ed Magusson

Today’s Flash comes from Big Ed Magusson and, honestly, I love this. It’s classic “Strangers in a Foreign Land” stuff. Enjoy.


england_flag Suggestive Language

By Big Ed Magusson

“Come on England!” the paper headlines blared.  It was hard to avoid, even for us American tourists, as London turned red and white for the European football cup.

“It should be ‘Go England,’” I mused.

“Of course, then it would be soccer instead of football,” Sharon said.

“True.  And we’d be ‘watching our step on the subway’ instead of ‘minding the gap on the tube.’”

“It could be worse.  Remember when Art said ‘touch wood’ instead of ‘knock on wood’?”

“Heh, do I ever,” I replied.  “The look on your face was priceless!”

We walked past another newspaper stand awash in red and white.

“Maybe we should,” Sharon said with a devilish twinkle in her eyes.

“Should what?”

“’Come’ on England.”  The innuendo was impossible to miss.

“You’re kidding.”

“Nope.  Let’s find an alley and see what we can do.”

I rolled my eyes but she was already tugging me towards an unnamed side street.

“And what if we get caught?” I asked.

“We just tell them we don’t speak the language.”

Somehow I was sure my British friends would agree.


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