What’s Next?

With The Lies We Lead now out in the wild for everyone to read, I’m already being asked what’s up next from me.

I’ve got a couple of projects on the go, as well as a few in the pipeline that are nothing more than ideas right now.

Firstly, I’ve been working (slowly) on A Wounded Heart, the third and (hopefully) final book in the Paul Robertson Saga (formerly called the Tutelam Venit series). To be honest, I expect this will be a very difficult book to write. I need to cram a lot of sub-plots into it to tie up all the loose ends as well as main plot that may prove to be one of the more complicated I’ve worked on. Essentially, I need reveal the identity of Paul’s wife from the prologue of A Good Man. But I want to keep the reader guessing as to who it is right to the very end. This means there needs to be two candidates, and ideally, I’d like there to be three.

As well as that, I’ve started work on the sequel to The Lies We Lead, called The Truths We Live. It will pick up the story from about six months after the first book, and should be a lot of fun. But I also have a couple of sub-plots in mind for it which should mean there are as many surprises as there were in The Lies We Lead.

A brief rundown of some of the other stories I’ve got in mind for the future can be found on this post at Medium. But they are all very much for the future.

Something else I’m considering is ‘recycling’ some very old stories I wrote that are sitting on my hard drive. I personally don’t think they are good enough—and will never be good enough—to be Marc Nobbs Stories. But that doesn’t mean I can’t re-use them or that they don’t deserve to be read.

So I’m thinking of resurrecting my old “Knobbie Knobbs” moniker, or maybe even invent a new one. Actually, I think something really cheesy, like Phil McAvity (for male POV stories) or Connie Lingus (for the few female POV stories I’ve written in the past) would be not just suitable, but kind of fun.

But that’s not something I’ve completely made my mind up about yet. If I do decide to resurrect Knobbie or bring Phil or Connie to live though, I’ll be sure to let you know.

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    Marc Nobbs

    Writer & Blogger

    Gentlemen Author, Bean Counter, Born & Bred Wulfrun, Husband, Dad. But not in that order. Marc Nobbs has been writing erotic romance and erotica since 2005. He has written 8 novels, 3 novellas and 16 short stories all set within the “Westmouthshire Universe.”

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