Got the Lergy

In one respect it’s not been a great weekend. All three of us (Mrs. Nobbs, Jr and I) have come down with a bad case of the lergy. It can’t be swine flu since none of us even know where Mexico is let alone visiting there. (Joke – Of course I know where Mexico is. I’m joking. Okay?) For my part, my sinuses hurt, my nose is blocked and I keep coughing and sneezing. Mu muscles are aching too. Mrs Nobbs feels the same and Jr is getting tired very quickly (unusual for him) and crying a lot when he wakes up from the resultant naps.

And yet, Yesterday I was still able to get out on the allotment. I managed to tidy up the entrance to the plot, plant the last of the potatoes, weed around the various crops, repair the raspberry frame, cover the strawberry plants with netting and spray the patch towards the back of the plot that’s covered in weeds and grass in the hope that it will kill them off and make it easier to clear that patch reader for more crops to go in. I’ve booked Thursday and Friday off work to do just that, but it looks like it might rain heavily for those two days. Oh, well, I’ve got a waterproof somewhere. I’ll just have to dig it out.

I’ve also been doing to some tweaking to my website. You’ll now notice the proudly displayed Union Flag, you can click on the cover of Kissed by a Rose on the main page to be taken to the book page (which was a poor omission in the first place), I’ve added some positive reader comments to Kissed by a Rose’s page and included a link to the twitter search for #KbaR.

I’ve also written the first of several interviews with the ‘stars’ of Kissed by a Rose, all of which go on my blog over he next couple of weeks as well as on the website.

I’m not looking forwards to going to work tomorrow as I’ve still got so much to do. I’m starting to feel as if I’ll never catch up. Oh well, I suppose I should stop complaining about it and just get on with it. But I’m British and complaining is what we do best. Or is it queuing that we do best?

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Marc Nobbs

Writer & Blogger

Gentlemen Author, Bean Counter, Born & Bred Wulfrun, Husband, Dad. But not in that order. Marc Nobbs has been writing erotic romance and erotica since 2005. He has written 8 novels, 3 novellas and 16 short stories all set within the “Westmouthshire Universe.”

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